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Breathwork Frankfurt

Breathe in and discover the power of Transformative Breathwork

I am Timo and I would like to accompany you on a transformative journey. A Breathwork journey that has helped many people to improve their mental health and personal development.

We use a breathing technique called “the connected breath” that can help you close stress cycles and process and integrate emotions. I would like to create a safe space for you to engage in this process with confidence and just be curious to see what positive effects it brings for you.

Upcoming English Breathwork Events

What can transformative breathing / Breathwork help with??

Integrative and transformative breathing is a proven and powerful technique for promoting mental health and personal development. Here are a few examples:

Mental health

  • States of exhaustion
  • Stress
  • Fears and conflicts
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Mental trauma

Personality development

  • Discovering one’s own strengths and deep feelings
  • Experiencing self and world
  • Experiencing more joy, power and vitality
  • To recognise undiscovered potential in oneself
  • Clarifying one’s own life situation, finding orientation

Breathwork involves transformative breathing techniques that help people connect with their inner self and find balance in their lives. Breathwork can be used to improve mental, emotional and physical health, among other things.

Breathwork in Frankfurt

Breathwork group sessions in Frankfurt

We breathe regularly in small groups in the pleasant atmosphere of my practice in Frankfurt Ostend.

A sufficient number of gymnastics and yoga mats are available. As a participant, bring a comfortable cushion to rest your head on for a while.

Integrative breathing together offers the advantage that the energies of the fellow breathers can flow in the room. This can help some participants to get into the feeling themselves or to let the breath flow freely.

In such Breathwork sessions with groups in a shared space, experience has shown that emotions can jump from one person to the next. Just be curious about what happens.

Breathwork individual sessions

Is privacy important to you in a Transformative Breathwork session and would you like even more individual attention?

If you prefer to breathe alone, you will soon be able to choose your preferred date from a calendar here. Depending on demand, the dates are on weekdays in the late afternoon hours or also on weekends. You can also write to me at and together we will find a date that suits you.

Individual sessions from Mon-Fri take place with headphones. You wear comfortable headphones through which you hear the music and my guiding words. On the one hand, this means that we don’t disturb the colleagues in the practice – on the other hand, it can make the effect even more intense. You can recognise this when booking by the ? symbol.

A single breathwork session in the practice at the zoo costs 150 euros, which you can pay by EC card in the practice. Other payment options are available on request.

For individual sessions we have mats, blankets and cushions available. You are also welcome to bring your own. If you have, remember to bring a sleeping mask or a textile to cover your eyes comfortably. A plastic bottle of your own, which you can refill with tap water, would also be an advantage. I will also write these and other recommendations in the appointment confirmation.

I look forward to accompanying you on your transformative journey!

Breathwork ONLINE

Breathwork group sessions ONLINE

We breathe together via Zoom. In groups of up to 20 people we connect online and you are accompanied by me and the music set through the process.

Afterwards there is always a feedback circle where everyone can say what he or she has experienced. Here I am also happy to give you useful tips on how to integrate the experience.

Just be curious and trust the process!

Breathwork individual sessions ONLINE

If you prefer to go on your breathing journey alone, this is of course also possible online (Zoom). You can make an appointment via

For the Transformative Breath Session via Zoom, make sure you are undisturbed for 90 minutes. Set up a comfortable (not too comfortable) place. This could be an iso or yoga mat, your sofa bed or something similar. I don’t recommend doing Breathwork in bed, as this is where you usually sleep – but if you have no other option, that’s fine too. A comfortable, not too flat pillow and a blanket should be available.

Have a drinking vessel ready with water that won’t break or leak. You should also have at hand: Sleep mask, second pillow, thick socks and optional lip balm.

Your appointment confirmation will list all these items and useful tips for preparing for a Transformative Breath Session.

A single online session costs 130 euros.

English guided breathwork group sessions ONLINE

Next event: Bald / Soon...

Information on Breathwork

As humans, we experience stress or emotional reactions or trauma – this is quite normal. All too often, however, we suppress major emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, so that they are not processed and instead remain stored in the body.

When we experience trauma or a stressful event, there is usually an energetic tension or blockage in the body associated with it. Often we don’t allow ourselves to fully feel, express and process these emotions or we get stuck in a stress response or chronic stress because of our busy lives.

So we don’t complete the emotional cycle, so our nervous system can’t discharge what we are suppressing. It then remains in our nervous system, which can lead to misregulation and anxiety, depression, chronic health problems, bowel and digestive problems, skin problems, migraines, chronic fatigue, problems with aggression and anger.

At the same time, we get stuck in certain patterns in our lives and relationships. We keep attracting similar situations or people and conflicts.

Transformative breathing can help us to…

  • close emotional stress cycles
  • process and integrate emotions and traumas
  • regulate our nervous system

What is Transformative Breathwork?

Transformative breathing is abdominal-diaphragmatic breathing that we practise in what is called connected breath. This means that we breathe in and out through the mouth for about 45-60 minutes without pauses. The process is accompanied by a specially prepared music playlist.

This breathing technique helps us to connect with our emotional body and release any accumulated emotional charge in our system that has been stored there.

It helps us to block out our ego and experience an expanded state of consciousness.
We can thus access deeper levels of our subconscious and also connect with our Higher Self for deep insights.

Transformative breathing is a so-called bottom-up approach – we use the body to change the mind.